You make the difference! The Healthcare Foundation gratefully acknowledges the individuals, businesses, Healthcare Hero sustainers, and sponsors who together enable us to meet our mission goals and advance health equity for everyone in northern Sonoma County. Thank you.
Healthcare Heroes | • Healthcare Hero Community Partners
* Legacy Donors | Board Members
2025 Donors (Updated 2/9/2025)
Amista Vineyards •
Bryan Anderson
Dr. David Anderson and Mrs. Catherine Anderson
Montserrat Archila and Issa Khoury
Stephen Barber, Guaranteed Rate •
Ellen Barnett, M.D.
Dan and Sonia Barwick
Kim Bender and Nick Sanders
James and Gina Berry
Big John’s Market •
Paul Blanchard and Jim Gibboney
Darnell Bowen and Alma Bowen
Karin Bowhall
Lila Brown and Jeff Nagy
Kaleigh Bulloch Whitehall and O.J. Whitehall
Georgina Calderon
Sue Campbell* and John McKinney
Daisy Cardenas
Cartograph Wines •
Center for Well-Being
Corazón Healdsburg
Courtney Cochran and Ronald Du Preez
Dena and Richard Cochran
Dana Codron
Remy Coeytaux and Margaret Simeone
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Bob and Sandy Comstock
Thomas Cordell and David Kelley
Yudith Correa and Andres Correa
Deb Culloden
Erika and Ross Dawkins
Karin Demarest
Melinda and Greg Dexter
Bridget Doherty
Asia Downing
Anne Driscoll and Chris Schulz
Olympia Du Preez
Sarah and Ben Durie
Judy Edmonds and E.J. Neil
Ann Elston and Larry Lossing
Becky Ennis
Barbara Epstein
Linda Farwell
Isoke Femi
Amber Figueroa
Robin Figueroa
Kim and Mike Flowers
Kathryn Floyd and Anthony Petruzzella
Kerry Francis and John Jimerson
Deidre and Steve Fredson
Stephen and Rebecca Fuette
Bob Gain* and Tim Wingard
Jennifer Wilson and Andrew Gass
Sarah Gereghty
Rachel Glitz and Michael De Alessi
Rosa Gonzalez
Barbara Grasseschi and Tony Crabb*
Ellen Green
Paul Greenall and Aaron Smith
Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn
Sarah and Parke Hafner
Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay*
David and Nancy Hargreaves
Joline and Joe Harrington
Leah and Alex Harris
Healdsburg Hospital, Providence
Dr. Adrienne Heinz and Mr. Barrett Elmer
Sarah Hehman
Georgia and Ric Helthall
Mary Henderson
Sheela and Eric Hodes
Susan Hogeland
Mandi Holdorf
Madison and Keith Hollander
Amy and Chris Hunsberger
Carrie and David Hunt
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Fund
for Health Education at the East Bay
Community Foundation
Marc Kahn and Jeanie Kahn
Healdsburg City Council Member Ariel Kelley
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile and Mr. Tom Chechile*
Cynthia King and Shannon Strong
Erika Klohe
Zenia Lemos Horning and Rob Horning
Joel Lewis
Kim and John Lloyd •*
Ingrid Maltrud*
Kristine Maltrud, in memory of Nancy
and Richard Maltrud
Lydia Margitich
Marquis + Farwell Real Estate Group •
Denny Martin and Roy Reynolds
Stephanie Martinez
Laura Mattimore Forgue
Peter McAweeney and Tod Hill*
Bill and Lisa Meisner*
Donna and Eddie Merideth*
Nicholas Metzger
Tricia Meyer
Alexa Mietz and Matt Arrigo
Suzanne Mitchell
Dr. Nas Mohamed
Blanca Molina
Anne Morrison Rousseau and Chris Rousseau
J. Mullineaux
Katie and Denny Murphy*
Jerry and Alison Ogden
Claire O’Neill
Michael and Angela O’Rourke
Elaine Orr and Elizabeth Bours
Bruce and Mary Ott
Nancy Palumbo
Molly Pead
Douglas Pile, M.D.
Julie Plante, M.D.
Alan and Susan Preston
Amy Price
Asish Purushan
Amy Ramirez and Keri Caballero
Elaine and Robert Ramirez
Phil and Tina Rasori
Lauren Ratiani Ruark and Jamin Ruark
Danielle Restieaux
Susan Rink
Katie Rosson and Gibson Scheid
Kathi Safford and Rick Safford
David and Betty Scatena, in memory of Evalyn
and Nick Scatena
Tim McDonald and Bob Scott
Hanna and Richard Scramaglia
Steve and Wendy Smit
SSMP Properties
Summit State Bank •
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen and Richard Thomsen
Karen Tappin and Family
Tami Thomas
Kristin and Andy Thwaites
Pamela Torresdey
Kiyo Tukman
Dr. C. Roger Turk and Mrs. Stephanie Turk
Elizabeth Vermilyea
Donna Vincent
Erica Vogel
Ana and Paul Von Hirtz
Dr. Jed Weissberg and Dr. Shelley Roth
John Andrew Wesley
Gretchen Whittier
Lisa Wittke Schaffner
Shu Yang
Abbey and Craig Young
In-Kind Donors
Stephen Barber, Guaranteed Rate
Flamingo Resort and Spa
THTR Productions
Ace Hardware Cloverdale
Alexander Valley Vineyards
Aliados Health
Amista Vineyards •
Dr. David Anderson and Mrs. Catherine Anderson
Gary and Delores Arabian
Susan and Bill Arbios
Montserrat Archila and Issa Khoury
Arterra Landscape Architects
Edward and Kyle Baker
The Bancroft Foundation
Bank of Marin
Stephen Barber, Guaranteed Rate •
Ellen Barnett, M.D.
Barth Vision & Optical •
Gary Barth and Kevin White
Diane Bartleson
Dan and Sonia Barwick
Rebeccah Baumgardner
Hallie Beacham, M.D. and Mr. Paul Downey
Carol Beattie
Beatriz Behrens
Kim Bender and Nick Sanders
Christine Berardo and Robert Markowitz
Peggy and Christer Berglund
Kimberly Bernard
James and Gina Berry
Russell Bertuccelli and Joanne Menapace
Big John’s Market •
Marisa Binder and Bill Schott
Paul Blanchard and Jim Gibboney
Bon Ton Studio
Jocelyn Boreta and Oscar Lucario
Darnell Bowen and Alma Bowen
Karin Bowhall
Brandt Insurance
Breathless Wines
Bricoleur Vineyards
Deborah Britt
Dr. Herb Brosbe and Ellen Brosbe
Carrie Brown
Cee Scott Brown and John Bjornen
Lila Brown and Jeff Nagy
Kaleigh Bulloch Whitehall and O.J. Whitehall
Richard Burg and Linda Kingsbury
Chris Cabral
Alex and Federico Calaf
California Health Care Foundation
California Human Development
Chris Call
Jerry and Mary Jane Campbell
Samantha Campbell and Raj Kapur
Sue Campbell* and John McKinney
Tony and Kay Canevari
Daisy Cardenas
Celia Carrasco
Cartograph Wines •
Patti and Ray Chambers
Linda and Carlos Chavez
Óscar and Christine Chávez
Theresa Christiansen
Gregg and Tiffani Clarke
Tim and Linda Clougherty
Cloverdale Connect
Courtney Cochran and Ronald Du Preez
Dena and Richard Cochran
Remy Coeytaux
Community Action Partnership
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Bob and Sandy Comstock
Kelly Conrad
Thomas Cordell and David Kelley
Yudith and Andres Correa
Costeaux French Bakery
Tricia Coxhead and Jerry Anderson
Crabb-Grasseschi Family Foundation
Mary and John Crockenberg
Matthew Crooks
Jim and Merrilee Dadaos
Geoff and Nancy Dalwin
Anna Darden
Erika and Ross Dawkins
Dr. Lisa Gallagher Dayton
and Mr. John Dayton
Edgar and Judy Deas
Steve Deas and Jane Rosenberg
Law Offices of James F. DeMartini
Susan DeVico and Ed Matney
Melinda and Greg Dexter
Sedge and Karen Dienst
Bridget Doherty
Dra. Daniela Domínguez
Olympia Du Preez
Kelly Dunnagan
Wendy Dunnagan
Sarah and Ben Durie
Herb Dwight, Jr.
Eddinger Enterprises
Judy Edmonds and E.J. Neil
Dobie Edmunds
Ann Elston and Larry Lossing
Encore Events Rentals
Enso Village
Barbara Epstein
Daniel and Sonja Erickson
Esquivel Insurance Agency, Inc.
Lynne Esselstein and Jon Joseph
Carroll Estes
Melinda Evans
Todd and Leslie Everett
Vicky Farrow •
Linda Farwell and Cameron Frey
Luna Federici and Elizabeth Fagan
Isoke Femi
Ron Ferrato and Olimpo Cerda
Amber Figueroa
Robin FigueroaMarcy Flores
Kim and Mike Flowers
Olivia Foppiano, Edward Jones
Jonathan Fong
Foundation for Global Sports Development
Kerry Francis and John Jimerson
Deidre and Steve Fredson
Mark Freed
Graham and Jann Freeman
Bob Gain* and Tim Wingard
Jennifer Wilson and Andrew Gass
Marie Gewirtz
Tara Good-Young
Erin and Tom Gore
Gretchen and Richard Grant
Barbara Grasseschi and Tony Crabb*
Theresa Graves
Paul Greenall and Aaron Smith
Glenn Grigg
Geri Hadley and Ronald Cote
Sarah and Parke Hafner
Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn
Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay*
Carrie Hanford
David and Nancy Hargreaves
Joline and Joe Harrington
Healdsburg Hospital Foundation
Healdsburg Hospital, Providence
Dr. Adrienne Heinz and Mr. Barrett Elmer
Georgia and Ric Helthall
Mary Henderson
Gloria Hersch
Susan Hogeland
Madison and Keith Hollander
Kimberly Horton
Hotel Healdsburg
Toni and Robert Hopkins
Tara Howley
Susan Hubbard
Amy and Chris Hunsberger
Carrie and David Hunt
Anne Jenkins
Jennings Stacklin Fund at the East
Bay Community Foundation
Lucero Jimenez
Ozzy Jimenez and Christian Sullberg
Lynda and Louis Jordan
Marc Kahn and Jeanie Kahn
Kaiser Permanente
Joseph Bavaresco and Richard Kawala
Douglas and Lael Keane
Ariel and Tim Kelley
Terry Kemp
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile
and Mr. Tom Chechile*
Dr. Laura Kramer and Stephen Kent
Deborah Kravitz
Erin Krueger
Barbara Lannin
Terry and Tim Leach
Zenia Lemos Horning and Rob Horning
Susan Lentz
Ellen Leonard
Mirin Lew
Joel Lewis
Herb and Beverly Liberman
Cat and Jeff Lincoln
Kim and John Lloyd •*
Gary H. Loeb
Jim Lohr
Freddy Lopez
Dr. Panna Lossy and Carl Mears
Allison and Dave Low
Debi and Michael Lynch
Dan and Lee Magnuson
Ingrid Maltrud*
Kristine Maltrud, in memory of Nancy
and Richard Maltrud
Teresa and Leslie Mangiapani
Joyce Mann
Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
Dr. Paul Marguglio and Mrs. Jeanie Marguglio
Mary and Joseph Mariani
Marin Community Foundation
Marquis + Farwell Real Estate Group •
Samantha Marquis
Denny Martin and Roy Reynolds
Steven Martin
Debbie Mason
Ashley and Cameron Mauritson
Peter McAweeney and Tod Hill*
Tim McDonald and Bob Scott
Lynn McIntyre
MCJ Amelior Foundation
Marta McNair
Lannie Medina
Bill and Lisa Meisner*
Memorial Beach Veterinary Hospital
Denisse Mendoza
Bruce Mentzer and Anthony Solar
Michelle Mercer and Bruce Golden
Donna and Eddie Merideth*
Kelley Merizan
Christopher Meza
Marilyn Michelon
Evette Minor
Evelyn Mitchell and Tom O’Hair
Blanca Molina
Karissa Moreno and Jeff Solomon
Barbara Morgan Zaney and Kevin Zaney
Anne Morrison Rousseau and Chris Rousseau
Douglas and Julianne Muhleman
Arvin Muñoz
Katie and Denny Murphy*
Betsy and Bill Nachbaur
Jim and Chris NantellScott and Mary Newman
Sally and Robert Nicholson
Northern Sonoma County Healthcare District
James Novak
Nuestra Comunidad
Dr. Laura O’Connor and Matthew O’Connor
Jerry and Alison Ogden
Oliver & Company, Inc.
Claire O’Neill
Michael and Angie O’Rourke
Elaine Orr and Elizabeth Bours
Bruce and Mary Ott
Barbara Pascoe
PDI Surgery Center
PFM Law •
Douglas Pile, M.D.
Ann Pomper
Dr. Robert Pousman and Mrs. Laura Pousman
Lucinda Powers
Mary Prishtina
Pure Water Technology
Amy Ramirez and Keri Caballero
Redwood Credit Union
Danielle Restieaux
Ellen Riendeau
David Ring and Stu Harrison
Susan Rink
Rocio Rodriguez
Robert and Sharon Roper
Dan Rosaschi and Erika Frey Rosaschi
Katie Rosson and Gibson Scheid
Rotary Club of Healdsburg
Rotary Club of Healdsburg Sunrise
Kathi Safford and Rick Safford
Saks Fifth Avenue Foundation
The San Francisco Foundation
Bob and Donna Sauers
David and Betty Scatena, in memory
of Evalyn and Nick Scatena
Ralph and Janice Sceales
Malloy Schaffner
Mel and Holly Schatz
William R. Schrader
Lauren Schwing
Hanna and Richard Scramaglia
Anneke Seley and Jack Oswald
SFC Fund at Schwab Charitable
Dr. Martha Shafer
Wylie and Judy Sheldon
Circe Sher and Mateo Granados
Brett Shinn
Kim Silva
Meg Simeone
Steve and Wendy Smit
Mary Ellen Smith
Sonoma County Office of Education
Sonoma Tilemakers
Alberto Sosa
Stephanie Sosa Manrique
Erika Spencer-Singson
Barbara Stevens
Leigh Stokes
Gary Stritzel
Summit State Bank •
Pamela and Hally Swan
Syar Foundation
Tai Laguna Fund of Community
Foundation Sonoma County
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen and Richard Thomsen
Karen Tappin and Family
David Tauck
Steve and Lori Taylor
Erik Terreri and Robert Driggs
Mark Thayer and Jean Herschede
Richard and Barbara Thomas
Congressman Mike Thompson
and Janet Thompson
Kristin and Andy Thwaites
Dell and Laura Tredinnick
Jay and Lori Tripathi
TriStar Automotive
True West Film Center
Marilyn and Martin Tully
Dr. C. Roger Turk and
Mrs. Stephanie Turk
Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider
University of California Berkeley
Valla Family Foundation
Gene and Suzanne Valla
Deborah and Bob Van Nest
Janet and Michael Verlander
The Villano Family
Donna Vincent
Deb Viola and Jake Jacobsen
Judy Voigt
David Walker and Andrew Furco
C.A. Wall Family Foundation
Karen Wallace and John Faulkner
Warren and Janis Watkins
Trip Weil and Joe Ferrucci
Drs. Jed Weissberg and Shelley Roth
Tom and Kathy White
Joseph Wiedman
Jeanette Williams
Tom and Nina Williamson
Tom Willis and Julie Henderson
Sam and Shelley Witten
Lisa Wittke Schaffner
Dr. Art B. Wong and Mrs. Janet L. Wong
Annie and Montgomery Woods
Kay Harrigan Woods
Workday Foundation
Susie and Jerry Wunderlich
Abbey and Craig Young
Eshawn Zuniga
Michelle Zygielbaum2023 In-Kind Donor List:
Aldina Vineyards
Ami Ami Vin
Bacchus Landing
Barrel Brothers Brewing CompanyConstellation Brands – Beer Division
Convene Wine
Dot Wine
Dragonfly Farm & Floral
Hafner Vineyard
Joy Squad Photo Booth ExperiencePeter McAweeney and Tod Hill
The Posh Privy
The Setting Wines
Smith Story Wine Cellars
So Eventful Productions -
Jim Alexander
Aliados Health
Amista Vineyards•
Ann and Dale Amtower
Dr. David Anderson
and Mrs. Catherine Anderson
Katherine and Robert Angell
Gary and Delores Arabian
Bill and Susan Arbios
Montserrat Archila
and Issa Khoury
Arterra Landscape Architects
Rollie Atkinson and Sarah Bradbury
Edward and Kyle Baker
The Bancroft Foundation
George Banda
Yvonne Baner
Bank of Marin
Stephen Barber,
Guaranteed Rate•
Kimi Barbosa
Ellen Barnett, M.D.
Barth Vision & Optical•
Gary Barth and Kevin White
Michael Bartlett
Sonia and Dan Barwick
Joseph Bavaresco
and Richard Kawala
Hallie Beacham, M.D.
and Mr. Paul Downey
Carol Beattie
Kim Bender and Nick Sanders
Shirley Bennett
Christine Berardo
and Robert Markowitz
Peggy and Christer Berglund
Kimberly Bernard
James and Gina Berry
Breanne and Aaron Beseda
Big John’s Market•
The Black Dog Private Foundation
Paul Blanchard
and Jim Gibboney
Bohon Family Fund
Bon Ton Studio
Jocelyn Boreta and Oscar Lucario
Darnell Bowen
and Alma Bowen
Breathless Wines
Jenness Brewer
Bricoleur Vineyards
Deborah Britt
Glenna and Jacques Brix
Cee Scott Brown
and John Bjornen
Lila Brown and Jeff Nagy
Timothy and Margaret Brown
Kaleigh Bulloch Whitehall
and O.J. Whitehall
Nora Bulloch
Richard Burg and
Linda Kingsbury
Diane and David Burnley
Alex and Federico Calaf
Georgina Calderon, M.D.
California Health Care Foundation
Cynthia Calmenson
Jerry and Mary Jane Campbell
Samantha Campbell
and Raj Kapur
Sue Campbell
and John McKinney
Daisy Cardenas
Celia Carrasco
Cartograph Wines•
Robert Casagrande
Carmen Castaldi and Perri Haughwout
Patti and Ray Chambers
Lester Chen
Bechara Choucair and Kenneth Edwards
Theresa Christiansen
Tim and Linda Clougherty
Courtney Cochran
and Ronald Du Preez
Dena and Richard Cochran
Kelly Comstock
Bob and Sandy Comstock
Corazón Healdsburg
Thomas Cordell
and David Kelley
Yudith Correa
and Andres Correa
Costeaux French Bakery
Tricia Coxhead
and Jerry Anderson
Mary and John Crockenberg
Jim and Merrilee Dadaos
Geoff and Nancy Dalwin
Anna Darden
Erika and Ross Dawkins
Dr. Lisa Gallagher Dayton
and Mr. John Dayton
Nancy Dayton
Edgar and Judy Deas
Steve Deas and Jane Rosenberg
Susan DeVico and Ed Matney
Melinda Dexter
Bridget Doherty
Dra. Daniela Domínguez
Cynthia Doubleday
Doug Levy Communications LLC
Anne Driscoll and Chris Schulz
Olympia Du Preez
Sarah and Ben Durie
Herb and Jane Dwight
Eddinger Enterprises Inc.
Dobie Edmunds
Ann Elston and Larry Lossing
Encore Events Rentals
Rebecca Ennis
Enso Village
Barbara Epstein
Daniel and Sonja Erickson
Esquivel Insurance Agency
Lynne Esselstein
and Jon Joseph
Carroll Estes
Gayle Eustis
Melinda Evans
Renay and Michael Fanelli
Vicky and Michael Farrow•
Isoke Femi
Ron Ferrato and Olimpo CerdaAmber Figueroa
Robin Figueroa
Soledad Figueroa
Mary Fitzgerald and Carl Milfeit
Marcy Flores
Kim and Mike Flowers
Foley Family Charitable Foundation
Paul and Laura Forgue
Kerry Francis
and John Jimerson
Deidre and Steve Fredson
Mark Freed
Bob Gain* and Tim Wingard
Garden Society
Dr. Kevin Garvin and Sandra Viera-Garvin
Marie Gewirtz
Erin and Tom Gore
Kathleen Graham
Gretchen and Richard Grant
Barbara Grasseschi
and Tony Crabb*
Paul Greenall and Aaron Smith
Glenn Grigg
Wendy and Ed Grudzien
Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund
Geri Hadley and Ronald Cote
Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn
Sarah and Parke Hafner
Michael Hall
and Rafael Campos
Doralice Handal
Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay*
Carrie Hanford
Hanna Center
Joan Haratani
David and Nancy Hargreaves
Joline and Joe Harrington
Scott Harrington
Healdsburg Hospital, Providence
Healdsburg Running Company
Ryan Hecht
Dr. Adrienne Heinz
and Mr. Barrett Elmer
Georgia and Ric Helthall
Mary Henderson
Stephen Herman
Chris Herrod
Don and Ann Hill
Kimberly Hoeksema
Susan Hogeland
Madison and Keith Hollander
Toni and Robert Hopkins
Hotel Healdsburg
Edson and Ann Howard
Susan Hubbard
Jamie Hudgens
Amy and Chris Hunsberger
Carrie and David Hunt
Richard Iverson
Anne Jenkins
Jennings Stacklin Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation
Lynda and Louis Jordan
Marc Kahn and Jeanie Kahn
Kaiser Permanente
Don Kaminski
Steve Kawa and Dan Henkle
Jeanne Kearns
Terry Kemp
Keysight Technologies
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile
and Mr. Tom Chechile*
Gertrude Konrad
Rebecca and Steven La Londe
Glen Lajeski and Gerry Etchverry
Jean Lalla and Mark Stiger
Barbara Lannin
Susan Lentz
David Levine
Doug Levy
Mirin Lew
Joel Lewis
Herb and Beverly Liberman
Kim and John Lloyd•*
Daniel Lopez and Alain Gervais
Francisco Lopez
and Shauna Lopez
Jennifer Lucas
Melissa and Tony Luci
Phil and Charlene Luks
Dan and Lee Magnuson
Ingrid Maltrud*
Kristine Maltrud
Joyce Mann
Dr. Paul Marguglio
and Mrs. Jeanie Marguglio
Mary Mariani
Marquis + Farwell Real
Estate Group•
Denny Martin
and Roy Reynolds
Steven Martin
Debbie Mason
Eloisa and Fouad Masror
Ashley and Cameron Mauritson
Dr. Rachel Mayorga
Peter McAweeney and Tod Hill*
Tim McDonald and Bob Scott
Senator Mike McGuire
and Mrs. Erika McGuire
Lynn McIntyre
Ernest McNabb
Molly Meeker
Bill and Lisa Meisner*
Memorial Beach
Veterinary Hospital
Bruce Mentzer
and Anthony Solar
Michelle Mercer
and Bruce Golden
Donna and Eddie Merideth*
Marilyn Michelon
Evelyn Mitchell
and Tom O’Hair
Mary Jane Mittelstadt
Blanca Molina
Karissa Moreno
and Jeff Solomon
Barbara Morgan Zaney and Kevin Zaney
Anne Morrison Rousseau
and Chris Rousseau
Douglas and Julianne
Katie and Denny Murphy*Matt Murphy
Bill and Betsy Nachbaur
Jim and Chris Nantell
Scott and Mary Newman
Sally and Robert Nicholson
Fred and Doriel Nishioka
David and Lois Nitchman
Frank Nolan and Tom Berry
Northern Sonoma County Healthcare District
Nuestra Comunidad
Jerry and Alison Ogden
Alexandra and Chris O’Gorman
Oliver & Company, Inc.
Paulina Olvera Wilson
Claire O’Neill
Josh and Sarah Opatz
Elaine Orr
Bruce and Mary Ott
Chase Overholt
Gary Passarino and Lois Wigdahl
Beth and Greg Paul
Mark Perry and Melanie Pena
Bill Pesonen and Roy Flores
PFM Law•
Kathryn Philip
Jeri Phillips
Drummond and Liza Pike
Douglas Pile, M.D.
Kate Pitts
Dr. Robert Pousman
and Mrs. Laura Pousman
Alan and Susan Preston
Rack & Riddle Custom Wine Services
Redwood Credit Union
Danielle Restieaux
Marianne Rickards, LCSW
Kevin Rickman
and Alissa Napier
David Ring and Stu Harrison
Susan Rink
Rodney Strong Wine Estates
Phyllis C. Rogers
Robert and Sharon Roper
Norm and Karen Rosen
Katie Rosson
and Gibson Scheid
Nancy Ryde
Viveka Rydell-Anderson
and Robert Anderson
Kathi Safford and Rick Safford
Jo Sandersfeld
Daniel Santiago, M.D.
The SCAN Foundation
David and Betty Scatena, in memory of Evalyn and Nick Scatena
Ralph and Janice Sceales
Malloy Schaffner
Mel and Holly Schatz
Stephen and Zorinne Schwartz
Hanna and Richard Scramaglia
Anneke Seley and Jack Oswald
Ruth Self
Gary and Maria Sender
Ricky Serbin and Mitchell Benjamin
Dr. Martha Shafer
Wylie and Judy Sheldon
Circe Sher and Mateo Granados
Kim Silva
Bill and Danielle Smart
Steve and Wendy Smit
Maria Smith
Mary Ellen Smith
Sonoma County Office
of Education
Stephanie Sosa Manrique
Lily Steinbach
Summit State Bank•
Mary and Doug Swank
Steven Takemoto
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen
and Richard Thomsen
Karen Tappin and Family
Kathy Taylor
Stephen Taylor
Kirsten and Steve Tellez
Mark Thayer
and Jean Herschede
Richard and Barbara Thomas
Congressman Mike Thompson and Janet Thompson
Louise Thurman, M.D.
Dr. John Tomasin
and Mrs. Julie Tomasin
Town of Windsor
Dell and Laura Tredinnick
Jay and Lori Tripathi
TriStar Automotive
Dr. C. Roger Turk
and Mrs. Stephanie Turk
University of San Francisco
Valla Family Foundation
Gene and Suzanne Valla
Marian and Peter Van Alyea
Dr. R. Steven Vargas
and Mrs. Susan Vargas
Jon Varndoe
Kathy Vayder
and Gregory Berg
Janet and Michael Verlander
Kay and Jim Vick
The Villano Family
Donna Vincent
Deb Viola and Jake Jacobsen
David Walker
Karen Wallace and John Faulkner
Lee and Barbara Walton
Karin Warnelius-Miller and Justin Miller
Warren and Janis Watkins
Trip Weil and Joe Ferrucci
Drs. Jed Weissberg
and Shelley Roth
Tom and Kathy White
Tom Willis and Julie Henderson
Cathy Wilson
Sam and Shelley Witten
Andrea Wolcott
Assemblymember Jim Wood
Annie and Montgomery Woods
Kay Harrigan Woods
The Workday Foundation
Susie and Jerry Wunderlich
Abbey and Craig Young
Michelle Zygielbaum2023 In-Kind Donor List:
Aldina Vineyards
Bacchus Landing
Claiborne & Churchill Winery
Constellation Brands – Beer DivisionConvene Wine
Dot Wine
Dragonfly Farm & Floral
Hafner VineyardHotel San Luis Obispo
The Posh Privy
The Setting Wines
Smith Story Wine Cellars
So Eventful Productions -
Dayton and Shelley Adams
Stephanie Ahmad
Amista Vineyards•
Ann and Dale Amtower
Dr. David Anderson and
Mrs. Catherine Anderson
Katherine and Robert Angell
Gary and Delores Arabian
Montserrat Archila
and Issa Khoury
Adriana Arrizon
Rollie Atkinson
Suzanne and Guy Badenhoop
Edward and Kyle Baker
Chris and Phyllis Baldenhofer
The Bancroft Foundation
Yvonne Baner
Bank of Marin
Stephen Barber,
Guaranteed Rate•
Annie Marie Barbour
Ellen Barnett, M.D.
Barth Vision & Optical•
Gary Barth
Sonia Barwick
Battle Family Foundation
Joseph Bavaresco
and Richard Kawala
Hallie Beacham, M.D.
and Paul Downey
Carol Beattie
Kim Bender and
Nick Sanders
Shirley Bennett
Christine Berardo and
Robert Markowitz
Peggy and Christer Berglund
Berry Financial &
Insurance Solutions
James and Gina Berry
Big John’s Market•
Marisa Binder and Bill Schott
Sherri Boettcher
Bon Ton Studio
Jennifer Bossin
and Brian Bleuher
Harry and Karen Bosworth
Darnell Bowen
and Alma Bowen
Brandt Insurance
Breathless Sparkling Wines
Heartie Ann Brewer
Jenness Brewer
Briar Foundation
Cee Scott Brown
and John Bjornen
Lila Brown and Jeff Nagy
Timothy and Margaret Brown
Richard Burg and Linda Kingsbury
Richard and Mary Burke
Diane and David Burnley
Isabel Byron
Cynthia Calmenson
Paula Campbell
Samantha Campbell
Sue Campbell
and John McKinney
Daisy Cardenas
Natasha and Nicholas Castelli
Center for Well-Being
Linda and Carlos Chavez
Law Office of Rachelle Chong
Theresa Christiansen
Tiffani Clarke
Dr. Tom Cleland and
Mrs. Emmy Cleland
Juliet Clothier
Tim and Linda Clougherty
Courtney Cochran and Ronald Du Preez
Dena and Richard Cochran
Bob and Sandy Comstock
Thomas Cordell
and David Kelley
Yudith and Andres Correa
Costeaux French Bakery
Paul Cowden and
Charles Levine
Sharon and Michael Cowley
Tricia Coxhead
and Jerry Anderson
John and Mary Crockenberg
Marta Cruz-Concepcion
Jim and Merrilee Dadaos
Geoff and Nancy Dalwin
Anna Darden
Alegría De La Cruz
Edgar and Judy Deas
Steve Deas and
Jane Rosenberg
Melinda Dexter
Bridget Doherty
Dra. Daniela Dominguez
Ted and Betty Dondanville
Benjamin Durie
Herb and Jane Dwight
J. Terry Eager
and Susan Eager
Dobie Edmunds
Judy Edmonds and E.J. Neil
Ann Elston and Larry Lossing
Encore Events Rentals
Becky Ennis
Enso Village
Barbara Epstein
Daniel and Sonja Erickson
Angie and Israel Escudero
Esquivel Insurance Agency
Lynn Esselstein
and Jon Joseph
William and Linda Esselstein
Carroll Estes
Melinda Evans
Todd and Leslie Everett
Exchange Bank
Steven Fabian
Renay and Michael Fanelli
Vicky and Michael Farrow
Linda Farwell and
Cameron Frey
Luna Federici and
Elizabeth Fagan
Ron Ferrato
and Olimpo Cerda
Amber Figueroa
Soledad Figueroa
Mary Fitzgerald
and Carl MilfeitMarcy Flores
Margaret Flores-McCabe
Bruce Foerster
Olivia Foppiano
Bob and Marcia Fosberg
Stefanie and Bart Foster
Monica Foyer
The Frame Up
Kerry Francis and
John Jimerson
Judith Gain
Bob Gain* and Tim Wingard
Dr. Lisa Gallagher Dayton
and Mr. John Dayton
E. & J. Gallo Winery•
Garden Society
Karen Gardner
Kevin Garvin, D.D.S.
Tammy J. Gass
Marie Gewirtz
Bruce Golden and
Michelle Mercer
Supervisor James Gore
and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gore
Erin and Tom Gore
Barbara Grasseschi
and Tony Crabb*
Geri Hadley
Hafner Vineyard
Elizabeth Hafner
Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn
Dick and Mary Hafner
Sarah and Parke Hafner
Josh and Lindsay Hall
Michael Hall
and Rafael Campos
Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay*
Mark and Elizabeth Hanson
Adell Hanson-Kahn
Joe and Joline Harrington
Stu Harrison and David Ring
City of Healdsburg
Healdsburg Running Company
Kathryn and Ryan Hecht
Georgia and Ric Helthall
Matthew Henry
Tom and Carol Henry
Herman J. Hernandez
and Guillermina Hernandez
Mariah Hernandez
Megan Hernandez
Ann and Don Hill
Kimberly Hoeksema
Susan Hogeland
Toni and Robert Hopkins
Hotel Healdsburg•
Edson and Ann Howard
Susan Hubbard
Amy Hunsberger and
Christopher Hunsberger
Holly Hunt
Richard Iverson
Anne Jenkins
John Jordan Foundation
Mary and David Johnson
Lynda and Louis Jordan
Rosemary Jordan
Marc Kahn and Jeanie Kahn
Don Kaminski
Lauren and Garnet Kanouse
KBBF Radio
Ariel and Tim Kelley
Terry Kemp
CJ Kerls, Guaranteed Rate
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile
and Mr. Tom Chechile*
Laird Norton Enterprises
Jean Lalla and Mark Stiger
Barbara Lannin
Terry and Tim Leach
Councilmember Esther Lemus
Susan Lentz
Joel Lewis
Kim and John Lloyd•*
Leonardo Lobato
Liz Loebel
Daniel Lopez and
Alain Gervais
Francisco Lopez and
Shauna Lopez
Malinalli Lopez
Sandra Lydy
Debi and Michael Lynch
Dan and Lee Magnuson
Ingrid Maltrud
Amy and Brian Mandrier
Sophia Grace Mandrier
Joyce Mann
Marquis Farwell Homes
Denny Martin and
Roy Reynolds
Steven Martin
Stephanie Martinez
Debbie Mason
Ashley and Cameron Mauritson
Peter McAweeney
and Tod Hill*
Marty McGraw and Jim Heid
Senator Mike McGuire
and Mrs. Erika McGuire
Lynn McIntyre
Lannie Medina
and Alan Smithwick
Molly Meeker
Bill and Lisa Meisner*
Memorial Beach
Veterinary Hospital
Bruce Mentzer and
Anthony Solar
Donna Merideth
and Eddie Merideth*
Christopher Meza
Marilyn Michelon
Evette Minor
Evelyn Mitchell
and Tom O’Hair
Mary Jane Mittelstadt
Reid Moorsmith
Barbara Morgan Zaney
and Kevin Zaney
Douglas and Julianne Muhleman
Katie and Denny Murphy*
Helen Myers
Bill and Betsy Nachbaur
Jim and Chris Nantell
Violet Nelson
Scott and Mary NewmanSally and Robert Nicholson
Anne and Walter Niederberger
David and Lois Nitchman
North Sonoma County Healthcare District
Jerry and Alison Ogden
Oliver & Company, Inc.
Claire O’Neill
Gloria Opperman
Elaine Orr
Bruce and Mary Ott
Partnership HealthPlan
of California
Ron and Jane Pavelka
Musetta Perezarce
PFM Law•
Douglas Pile and Janice Pile
Sarah Poletto
Dr. Robert Pousman and
Mrs. Laura Pousman
Lucinda Powers
Rack & Riddle Custom
Wine Services
Traci Ramsey
Redwood Community
Health Coalition
Danielle Restieaux Murphy
and Matthew Murphy
Christophe Richard
Susan Rink
Robert F. Ford Charitable Foundation
Karla Rosen
Katie Rosson and
Gibson Scheid
Anne and Chris Rousseau
Mary Pat and Mike Rowan
Kathi Safford
and Rick Safford
Santa Rosa
Community Health
Robert and Donna Sauers
Rita Scardaci
David and Betty Scatena, in memory of Evalyn and Nick Scatena
Ralph and Janice Sceales
Malloy Schaffner
Eric Schwartz
Tim McDonald
and Bob Scott
Hanna and Richard Scramaglia
Richard and Joyce Scramaglia
Anneke Seley
and Jack Oswald
Ruth Self
Brandy and Will Seppi
Karl and Nancy Seppi
Dr. Martha Shafer
Wylie and Judy Sheldon
Circe Sher and
Mateo Granados
Silveira Buick GMC
Jim and Karen Silveira
Bill and Danielle Smart
Steve and Wendy Smit
Maria Smith
Mary Ellen Smith
Sonoma County
Family YMCA
Sonoma County
Office of Education
Sonoma Valley
Community Health Center
SOS Community Counseling
Nathan Sprehe
Andy and Ann Stacklin
Herb and Wendy Steiner
Summit State Bank•
Steven Takemoto
Tricia Tanoury
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen
and Richard Thomsen
Karen Tappin and Family
Kathy Taylor
Kirsten and Steve Tellez
Erik Terreri and Robert Driggs
Sue and Mark Tharrington
Mark Thayer and
Jean Herschede
Congressman Mike
Thompson and
Janet Thompson
Dr. John Tomasin and
Mrs. Julie Tomasin
Dell and Laura Tredinnick
Dr. C. Roger Turk and
Mrs. Stephanie Turk
Dr. Steven Ungerleider
and Ms. Joanna Rice
Michael Valdovinos, PsyD, ABPP and Mrs. Alison
Valla Family Foundation
Gene and Suzanne Valla
Marian and Peter Van Alyea
Dr. R. Steven Vargas and
Mrs. Susan Vargas
Kathy Vayder and
Gregory Berg
Janet and Michael Verlander
The Villano Family
Deb Viola and Jake Jacobsen
Judy Voigt
C.A. Wall Family Foundation
Karen Wallace
and John Faulkner
Karin Warnelius-Miller and Justin Miller
Warren and Janis Watkins
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Weaver
Trip Weil and Joe Ferrucci
Dr. Jed Weissberg and
Dr. Shelley Roth
Harry and Rebecca Wetzel
Jade Weymouth
Geoffrey Whitehouse
and Barbara Winston
Brian Williams
Tom Willis and Julie Henderson
Tegan Wilson
Sam and Shelley Witten
Andrea Wolcott
Art and Janet Wong
Assemblymember Jim Wood
Annie and Montgomery Woods
Kay Harrigan Woods
Wright Contracting
Suzi and Jerry Wunderlich
Michelle Zygielbaum2022 In-Kind Donor List:
13th and Third Wines
Aldina Vineyards
Bacchus LandingConstellation Brands – Beer Division
Dot Wine
Hafner Vineyard
Amy Hunsberger and
Christopher HunsbergerMontagne Russe
The Posh Privy
Smith Story Wine Cellars
So Eventful Productions -
Dayton and Shelley Adams
Amista Vineyards
Ann and Dale Amtower
Dr. David Anderson and
Mrs. Catherine Anderson
Katherine and Robert Angell
Gary and Delores Arabian
Bill and Susan Arbios
Montserrat Archila
and Issa Khoury
Terry Atkinson
Edward and Kyle Baker
Chris and Phyllis Baldenhofer
Yvonne Baner
Bank of Marin
Stephen Barber,
Guaranteed Rate •
Tim Barny and
Melinda Barnard
Ellen Barnett, M.D.
Barth Vision & Optical•
Battle Family Foundation
Dr. Hallie Beacham
and Mr. Paul Downey
Carol Beattie
Scott Beattie and
Sharia Pierce
Kim Bender
and Nick Sanders
Shirley Bennett
Robert Markowitz
and Christine Berardo
Marla and Thomas Berkenkamp
Beth Berkson
James and Gina Berry
Berry Financial &
Insurance Solutions
Big John’s Market•
Christopher and Jenean Bingham
Bon Ton Studio
Harry and Karen Bosworth
Darnell and Alma Bowen
Brandt Insurance
Breathless Sparkling Wines
Jenness Brewer
Bricoleur Vineyards
Carrie Brown
Cee Scott Brown
and John Bjornen
Timothy and Margaret Brown
Elise Bulger
Kaleigh Bulloch Whitehall and O.J. Whitehall
Richard Burg and Linda Kingsbury
Butterfly Aviation
Samantha Campbell
Sue Campbell and
John McKinney
Heather Cappiello
Carmen and Perri Castaldi
Raymond and Patricia Chambers
Archana and Vijay Chattha
Theresa Christiansen
Joan Churchill
and Richard Adam
Tiffani Clarke
Juliet Clothier
Dr. Timothy Clougherty and Mrs. Linda M. Clougherty
Courtney Cochran and Ronald Du Preez
Dena and Richard Cochran
Bob and Sandy Comstock
Constellation Brands – Beer Division
Costeaux French Bakery
Jerry Anderson
and Tricia Coxhead
Mary and John Crockenberg
Marta Cruz-Concepcion
Geoff and Nancy Dalwin
Anna Darden
Deborah and John Dart
Rob Das
John Dayton and Dr. Lisa Gallagher Dayton
Nancy Dayton
Alegría De La Cruz
Bruce and Suzel Deas
Edgar and Judy Deas
Steve Deas and
Jane Rosenberg
Ronnie and Tom Devitt
Melinda Dexter
Bridget Doherty
Ted and Betty Dondanville
Cynthia Doubleday
Eric and Mary Drew
E. & J. Gallo Winery•
Terry Eager and Susan Eager
Eddinger Enterprises Inc.
Judy Edmonds and E.J. Neil
Dobie Edmunds
Ann Elston and Larry Lossing
Encore Events Rentals
Becky Ennis
Enso Village
Barbara Epstein
Daniel and Sonja Erickson
Esquivel Insurance Agency
Jon Joseph and
Lynne Esselstein
Jeffrey Fahrenbruch
Renay and Michael Fanelli
Linda Farwell and
Cameron Frey
Luna Federici and
Elizabeth Fagan
Ken and Moira Feingold
Ron Ferrato and
Olimpo Cerda
Amber Figueroa
Mary Fitzgerald
and Carl Milfeit
Kate and Patrick Flanagan
Roy Flores and Bill Pesonen
Kim and Mike Flowers
Jennifer FournierKerry Francis and
John Jimerson
Paul Frechette
Mark Freed
Guy and Beverly French
Garden Creek Vineyards & Winery
Garden Society
Gardenworks Inc.
Karen Gardner
Dani Gasparini and Alyn Beals
Marie Gewirtz
Supervisor James Gore
and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gore
Barbara Grasseschi
and Tony Crabb*
Glenn Grigg
Tom Hartfield
and Mimi Gurbst
Linda Haake and
the Haake Family
Geri L. Hadley
Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn
Dick and Mary Hafner
Sarah and Parke Hafner
Hafner Vineyard
Melanie Hall
Michael Hall and Rafael Campos
Richard and Elena Halvorsen
Halvorsen Solar Service
Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay
Mark and Elizabeth Hanson
Joan Haratani
Kay Harrigan Woods
Joe and Joline Harrington
Healdsburg Hospital, Providence
Kathryn and Ryan Hecht
Andrea Helfer
Georgia and Ric Helthall
Betty Hersch
Donald Hill and Carolyn Ross
Don and Ann Hill
Susan Hogeland
Robert and Toni Hopkins
Hotel Healdsburg•
Edson and Ann Howard
Susan Hubbard
Congressman Jared Huffman and Mrs. Susan Huffman
Amy Hunsberger and Christopher Hunsberger
Jay Hunsberger
and Chad Hostetler
Holly Hunt
Richard Iverson
Patricia Jackson
Anne Jenkins
Coralie Jenner
Dr. Gary A. Johanson
and Ms. Lisa Stone-Johanson
John Jordan Foundation
Steve and Paula Johnson
Steven Johnson
Lynda and Louis Jordan
Linda Kachiu
Marc and Jeanie Kahn
Jeanne Kearns
Terry Kemp
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile and Mr. Tom Chechile*
Steven and Rebecca La Londe
Glen Lajeski and Gerry Etchverry
Jean Lalla and Mark Stiger
Lambert Bridge Winery
Barbara Lannin
George and Ann Lawson
Terry and Tim Leach
Councilmember Esther Lemus
Susan Lentz
Mirin Lew
Joel Lewis
Carol and Donald Lexa
Herb and Beverly Liberman
Jason Liles and Cynthia Boaz
Rob and Karla Lippincott
Liz Loebel
Al and Dina Lopez
Francisco Lopez
and Shauna Lopez
Melita Love
Lee and Dan Magnuson
Ingrid Maltrud
Amy and Brian Mandrier
Sophia Grace Mandrier
Joyce Mann
Mindy Marantz
and Stuart Rudolph
Mary Mariani
Sarah Marikos
Denny Martin
and Roy Reynolds
Steven Martin
Ashley and Cameron Mauritson
Dr. Rachel Mayorga
Peter McAweeney
and Tod Hill*
David McChesney
Tim McDonald
and Robert Scott
Senator Mike McGuire
and Mrs. Erika McGuire
Lynn McIntyre
Molly Meeker
Bill and Lisa Meisner*
Memorial Beach
Veterinary Hospital
Bruce Mentzer
and Anthony Solar
Bruce Golden and
Michelle Mercer
Donna Merideth and
Eddie Merideth*
Marilyn Michelon
Evelyn Mitchell
and Tom O’Hair
Mary Jane and
Lloyd Mittelstadt
Karissa Moreno
and Jeff SolomonBarbara Morgan Zaney
and Kevin Zaney
Sheryl and Robert Morgensen
Pamela and Kenneth Moulton
Douglas and Julianne Muhleman
Katie and Denny Murphy*
Bill and Elizabeth Nachbaur
Violet Nelson
Scott and Mary Newman
Sally and Robert Nicholson
David and Lois Nitchman
Jerry and Alison Ogden
Oliver & Company, Inc.
Claire O’Neill
Gloria Opperman
Bruce and Mary Ott
Nubia Padilla
Jane Paneitz and
Thaddeus Golas
Gina and Randy Parmeter
Partnership HealthPlan of California
Samantha and Rick Paull
Ron and Jane Pavelka
PDI Surgery Center
Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund
PFM Law•
Douglas Pile and Janice Pile
Dr. Robert Pousman
and Mrs. Laura Pousman
Alan and Susan Preston
Rack & Riddle
Carlene and John Reininga
Danielle Restieaux Murphy and Matthew Murphy
Stu Harrison and David Ring
Sue Rink
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rinne
Robert F. Ford Charitable Foundation
Phyllis C. Rogers
Katie Rosson and
Gibson Scheid
Mary Pat and Michael Rowan
Kathi Safford
and Rick Safford
Champa and Sanjay Saigal
Robert and Donna Sauers
David and Betty Scatena
Ralph and Janice Sceales
Mel and Holly Schatz
Stephen and Zorinne Schwartz
Hanna and Richard Scramaglia
Richard and Joyce Scramaglia
Anneke Seley
and Jack Oswald
John Severson
Wylie and Judy Sheldon
Circe Sher and
Mateo Granados
Lacey Sher
Margaret Sluyk
Bill and Danielle Smart
Steve and Wendy Smit
Maria Smith
Richard and Mary Ellen Smith
Sonoma County Child & Family Counseling, Inc.
Christina Stafford
Cheryl and John Stewart
Betsy Strausberg
Ross Stromberg
Stromberg Architecture
Summit State Bank
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen and Richard Thomsen
Karen Tappin and Family
Kathy Taylor
Steven Taylor
Kirsten and Steve Tellez
Mark Thayer and
Jean Herschede
The Bancroft Foundation
Karen Thomas
and Dale Bender
Richard and Barbara Thomas
Congressman Mike Thompson and
Janet Thompson
Joseph and Lisa Tito
Dr. John Tomasin
and Mrs. Julie Tomasin
Dell and Laura Tredinnick
Terry and Kathy Tremblay
Dr. C. Roger Turk
and Mrs. Stephanie Turk
Michael Valdovinos, PsyD, ABPP and Mrs. Alison Valdovinos
Valla Family Foundation
Peter and Marian Van Alyea
Dr. R. Steven Vargas and Mrs. Susan Vargas
Kathy Vayder and
Gregory Berg
Janet and Michael Verlander
Matt Villano
Deb Viola and Jake Jacobsen
Judy Voigt
Madeline and Dick Wallace
Warren and Janis Watkins
Trip Weil and Joe Ferrucci
Dr. Jed Weissberg
and Dr. Shelley Roth
Jade Weymouth
Tom and Kathy White
Laurie L. Williams
Tom Willis and
Julie Henderson
Sam and Shelley Witten
Andrea Wolcott
Women Making Music Inc.
Assemblymember Jim Wood
Annie and Montgomery Woods
Wright Contracting
Susan and Jerry Wunderlich
Michelle Zygielbaum2021 In-Kind Donor List:
Abbot’s Passage Winery
and Mercantile
Alexander Valley Vineyards
Arista Winery
Bacchus Landing
Cee Scott Brown and
John Bjornen
Cafe La Haye
Comstock Wines
Constellation Brands
John and Natasha DeaneDigital Xpress
El Molino Central
En Garde Winery
Four Seasons Resort Lanai
Gurney’s Montauk Resort
and Seawater Spa
Hafner Vineyard
Scott Hamersley
Tara and Dane Jasper
JW Marriott Los Angeles
Lambert Bridge WineryMacArthur Place
Peter McAweeney and
Tod Hill
So Eventful Productions
Stone Edge Winery
The Joseph, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Nashville
Trattore Farms
Trione Vineyards
and Winery
Wit & Wisdom