Noche de Amor Sponsor Spotlight: Marc and Jeanie Kahn
Many thanks to Noche de Amor sponsors Marc and Jeanie Kahn!

Our 2022 gala, Noche de Amor, takes place on July 9 in the beautiful courtyard of Healdsburg’s Bacchus Landing. A night of good friends, soulful music, and delicious foods and wine, Noche de Amor is a major event for us. As our annual fundraiser, it’s a critical generator of the funds that keep alive our vision of eliminating health inequities in northern Sonoma County. And as an opportunity to gather together with members of our remarkable community, in celebration and appreciation, it’s truly a night of love.
Noche de Amor is made possible by the support of our event sponsors, generous community members like Jeanie and Marc Kahn. The Kahns are longtime philanthropists with a special interest in the health and well-being of our region. Marc is also a new member of our board. Jeanie and Marc were also instrumental in the establishment of the Mental Health Talent Pipeline, the Healthcare Foundation’s scholarship program for aspiring bilingual, bicultural mental health professionals in north county, which will be the subject of the fund-a-need portion of July 9’s festivities. We thank Marc and Jeanie for all their support—and for kindly agreeing to answer our questions below. We look forward to seeing them, and you, at Noche de Amor!
What was the impetus behind the Healthcare Foundation’s Mental Health Talent Pipeline that you helped to launch?
We helped in the creation of the Mental Health Talent Pipeline as a way to encourage the training and retention of bilingual and bicultural professionals to provide needed services to an often-neglected community. We hope that as the program progresses it accomplishes multiple goals: keeping here in our region highly talented people who are providing these much-needed services to our community, while also helping to create a cadre of future leaders who will be influential in many areas beyond their participation in the program.
What are you most looking forward to at Noche de Amor?
We look forward to Noche de Amor as a way to connect with old and new acquaintances and as an overall celebration of the evolution of the work of the Healthcare Foundation and its future directions.
What’s your favorite thing about northern Sonoma County?
We moved permanently to Sonoma County (just outside of Healdsburg) in 2015. What we were immediately struck by, aside from the physical landscape, was just the warmth and friendliness of the people here. It’s never difficult starting a conversation with anyone you meet. This has been the most striking difference and a refreshing change from the east coast, where we had been living for the past 38 years.
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