Denise “Denny” Martin has focused her career on programs designed to improve the health of communities, particularly underserved populations, by expanding access to services, promoting prevention to reduce illness, and advancing health policy reform. Most recently, Denny served as president and CEO of the California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems (CAPH) and its affiliated research foundation, the Safety Net Institute. She has worked on initiatives to increase access to healthcare, expand the Medi-Cal and Healthy Families programs, and secure adequate funding for safety net hospitals and clinics. Under her leadership CAPH worked closely with the State of California and other major stakeholders to craft the state’s first historic five-year Medicaid waiver. Denny also helped launch the state’s two-plan Medi-Cal managed care system and served as the representative for the Local Health Plans of California during its initial startup. Denny currently sits on the board of the Alliance Medical Center.