Welcoming Our New Board Member Montserrat Archila
The Healthcare Foundation is thrilled to announce that Montserrat Archila has joined the organization’s Board of Directors.
The Healthcare Foundation is thrilled to announce that Montserrat Archila has joined the organization’s Board of Directors. Beginning in January, Montserrat will work with the other members of the Board as well as the Foundation’s executive director and staff in pursuing the organization’s vision of eliminating health inequities in northern Sonoma County.
Montserrat is exceptionally well positioned to help advance that goal, having extensive experience and community ties in northern Sonoma County, including a strong familiarity with the Healthcare Foundation’s work and mission.
Montserrat has served for the last 16 years in the Community Investment department at Providence, and currently serves their caregivers as Mission Integration Manager at Healdsburg and Petaluma hospitals as well as at Providence’s Physician Enterprise in Sonoma County. She has spent many years addressing the needs and learning the unique attributes of our region’s diverse communities, bringing a truly county-wide perspective to the board.
“Joining the board is a wonderful opportunity to further this work with like-minded individuals who put the community front and center and are working towards creating a just culture for all.”
Moreover, as co-chair of the Providence Regional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, Montserrat exudes a passion for advancing equity not only within Providence but everywhere she serves. She recently served on the Healthcare Foundation’s strategic planning committee as an esteemed community partner and liaison.
“During my time with the committee,” recalls Montserrat, “we leaned in together and we listened as we developed strategies to best serve the community. I appreciated the willingness and the open hearts at the table and knew this was a team I wanted to be a part of.”
In recognition of her extraordinary contributions to the health and well-being of our region, Montserrat was the recipient in December of the 2021 Spirit of Wetzel Award. We are honored to have her with us as a member of our guiding body.
“Joining the board is a wonderful opportunity to further this work with like-minded individuals who put the community front and center and are working toward creating a just culture for all,” says Montserrat.
In her spare time, Montserrat loves teaching classes as a longstanding fitness instructor. “It keeps me focused and recharged especially on difficult days,” she says. She also loves to read and is pursuing a passion for studying trauma-informed healing design. “In my downtime,” she adds, “there is nothing like family. I spend a lot of time with my husband Issa and my son Julian.”
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