2022 Annual Report & 2023 Impact Report
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Header photo: Lu Lu Perez Centurion harvesting medicinal herbs as part of the Botanical Bus Healing Harvest program. Photo credit: Talia Herman
“A guiding principle of community power building is that community members are themselves experts in their own lived experiences, and in the problems that their community faces.”
A Message from our Executive Director and Board Chair
In Sonoma County in 2023, consistent with the rest of California and the United States, social factors are becoming more widely recognized as having a tremendous impact on health. As a result, the Healthcare Foundation is increasingly looking at interventions that address structural issues that create unfair and unequal access to healthcare and mental health services. At the root of these structural issues is the unequal distribution of power.
With the support of our generous community of donors, grantees and grantee clients, who all join us as agents of change, the Healthcare Foundation takes the position that health equity can be achieved through a community power-building approach. We believe that by collaborating with our constituents, including individuals, nonprofits and small businesses as well as municipal, county and other institutional partners, we can reduce health disparities toward true health equity.
Community power building means engaging local residents, particularly those who are most impacted by structural inequities, in creating healthier communities together. It means building leadership, skills, and expertise to achieve an agenda that centers health and health equity for all. A guiding principle of community power building is that community members are themselves experts in their own lived experiences, and in the problems that their community faces. As such, community power building places members in the driver’s seat in the design and implementation of collective efforts to improve their day-to-day lives. You will see community power building reflected in all the projects funded this year and described in this Impact Report.
We cannot do our work without you, our fellow health equity supporters and leaders, and are incredibly grateful for your stalwart support. As our collective vision of true health equity takes root and spreads, the Healthcare Foundation will continue to pursue opportunities to partner with community power-builders towards a healthier, more equitable Sonoma County.
Thank you for joining us as agents of change,
Kim Bender
Executive Director
Courtney Cochran
Board Chair
Supporting Promotores and Farmworker Health
In March of this year, the Healthcare Foundation issued grants totaling $100,000 to four local organizations that employ Community Health Workers/Promotores de Salud: Alliance Medical Center, The Botanical Bus, Corazón Healdsburg and Nuestra Comunidad. These nonprofits are part of a county-wide network of community-based organizations that deploy and support training and resources for Promotores, who function as essential and trusted health liaisons for underserved and marginalized communities.
The Healthcare Foundation understands that Promotores strengthen our local healthcare system by creating and sustaining vital relationships to residents who too often fall outside of our systems of care. Significantly, this strategic focus on supporting Promotores dovetails with the Healthcare Foundation’s growing emphasis on farmworker health.
As was apparent during the pandemic, wildfires and floods, our region’s farmworkers and their families are particularly vulnerable to erratic and insecure working environments as well as the environmental and other impacts associated with climate crisis.
Promotores employed by our grantee organizations serve as critical channels of information to and from the farmworker population as well as translators, providers of basic services, and health system navigators. This important role played by Promotores in farmworker health was affirmed by a preliminary canvassing of community partners and grantees that the Healthcare Foundation conducted earlier this year.
“Providing outreach to inform farmworkers of what services are available to them is key,” noted Bertha Diaz, a Promotora with Alexander Valley Healthcare. Other experts echoed and expanded on this point. Jocelyn Boreta, executive director and co-founder of The Botanical Bus, noted that her organization’s Farmworker Clinic program “is founded and led by Latine and Indigenous Promotora Community Health Workers, many of whom identify as Campesinas [Farmworkers] themselves.”
“We see support for Promotores as a leading-edge strategy for advancing health equity, and we are proud to be partnering with these four organizations and others who are playing an important role in developing and deploying the Community Healthworker/Promotores workforce.”
“Based on the proven success of the self-healing community model,” she continued, “Promotora CHWs are uniquely qualified to provide culturally centered care in their own communities.”
As Healthcare Foundation Executive Director Kim Bender said on the occasion of the new funding, “We see support for Promotores as a leading-edge strategy for advancing health equity, and we are proud to be partnering with these four organizations, as well as others, who are playing an important role in developing and deploying the Community Healthworker/Promotores workforce.”
The goal of eliminating health inequities in northern Sonoma County necessarily entails ensuring that our most vulnerable populations have access to high-quality, culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate systems of care. Promotores are uniquely positioned to connect farmworkers and their families to the information, resources, and services they need and deserve in order to thrive as members of our community and vital contributors to our region’s culture, prosperity and wellbeing.
Grants awarded since 2001
2023 Grantees
as of 11/1/2023
Mental Health Talent Pipeline
Scholarships | $128,563
Claudia Caballero Gonzalez
Yadira Esparza
Sophia Flores
Emmanuel Galeana
Claudia Hernandez
Stephanie Malagon
Jennifer Oseguera Chavez
Nallely Ramirez
Adriana Reyes
Laura Rodriguez
Aarón Solorio
Stephanie Sosa
Bilingual, Bicultural Training
Program | $226,000
Humanidad Therapy & Education
On the Margins
Santa Rosa Junior College HOPE
Scholarships | $20,000
Meet Meghan O’Leary, one of 40 SRJC HOPE scholarship recipients.
Read more here.
Community Wellness Center Convenings | $199,000
La Familia Sana
Nuestra Comunidad
On the Margins
General Operating Support | $100,000
Alliance Medical Center
Corazón Healdsburg
Nuestra Comunidad
The Botanical Bus
Nonprofit Sponsorships | $10,201
Career Technical Education Foundation
Center for Wellbeing
Corazón Healdsburg
Farm to Fight Hunger
Latino Service Providers
LifeWorks of Sonoma County
Los Cien, Inc.
Pediatric Dental Initiative
Reach for Home
Rotary Clubs of Healdsburg
Restricted Grant | $12,750
Perinatal Bereavement Program
Alliance Medical Center
Nuestra Comunidad Sana | Our Healthy Community
Updates from Cloverdale and Windsor
In 2022, the Healthcare Foundation launched community-led research and visioning projects for future community wellness centers (CWCs) in Cloverdale and Windsor, with a plan to extend this effort to Healdsburg in 2024. The CWC convenings are based on consistent evidence that cultivating community belonging through safe, culturally sensitive community spaces improves community health and mental health. Aptly, the participants named the project Nuestra Comunidad Sana | Our Healthy Community.
These in-depth convenings were made possible with funding from the North Sonoma County Healthcare District and Providence, and the active engagement and expertise of a coalition of community partners that includes Nuestra Comunidad and On the Margins, as well as La Familia Sana (Cloverdale), Alexander Valley Healthcare (Cloverdale), and Alliance Medical Center (Windsor).
The project invited local residents into a deep inquiry and visioning process that centers community member input for what health and wellness looks like for them. The project’s aim is to support the social and cultural life and expressed needs of all residents, while devoting special attention to lifting the voices of Latine community members. In each town, facilitators asked, “What does a safe, vibrant, green community space of belonging look like in Cloverdale/Windsor?”
Nuestra Comunidad Sana | Our Healthy Community convened its first community meeting in Cloverdale in July 2022, concluding the process a year later with a total of 181 participants surveyed, six focus groups convened (with a total of 47 participants), and four community events held at popular local venues. The process included participatory mapping, data collection and analysis, and a report being presented back to participants to further develop the community vision for a CWC in Cloverdale.
Windsor convenings began in July of this year and will end in summer 2024, with 146 interviews conducted so far and a total of 10 focus groups planned. Next steps involve sharing the research findings and vision forged by participants with the City Council in each area, and beginning to look for land, resources and partners to move the Nuestra Comunidad Sana | Our Healthy Community vision into the community-led design phase. We look forward to sharing updates as each project moves forward.
What Key Lessons Did We Learn?
- Using individual interviews, canvassing, focus groups, community meetings, and participatory mapping offers a variety of opportunities to collect data with diverse populations.
- Research that is equitable must privilege and center sources of knowledge within BIPOC communities.
- Data collection is more effective when curiosity, active listening, guided imagery, and art are active ingredients of the community-engaged process.
- An ongoing practice of activities that give full rein to imagination and the range of possibilities is critical for asset-based research to be successful.
- When working with Latine communities, engagement must center on safety, dignity, open communication, and linguistic justice.
- Participants expressed feeling uncertain about available land, resources and municipal support: they want to know next steps in realizing Nuestra Comunidad Sana | Our Healthy Community, and to continue to be involved in the design process.
Launching a New Bicultural Clinical Training Program
In July, the Healthcare Foundation announced grants from Kaiser Permanente and Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund to support the launch in August of a Bicultural Clinical Training Program.
A collaboration with Humanidad Therapy & Education Services and On the Margins, the Program includes two novel components. The first builds on the Mental Health Talent Pipeline with two paid traineeships in Cloverdale through Humanidad, featuring professional supervision in Spanish — a powerful asset in ensuring best quality outcomes for trainees and clients alike.
The second component is Nepantlah, a culturally responsive online curriculum developed by On the Margins, which is open to trainees as well as already licensed therapists serving bicultural and/or Spanish-speaking clients throughout Sonoma County, around the state, and beyond.
The Program grew out of conversations between the Healthcare Foundation and community partners, including grantees On the Margins and Humanidad, and Cloverdale-based Clinical Psychologist Dr. Maria Alvarez, which recognized the importance (and rarity) of clinical supervision in Spanish for bilingual trainees and associates. Conversations also surfaced the need for a professional network for therapists serving a bilingual and bicultural clientele. Nepantlah provides networking opportunities and training resources to students and clinicians, as well as continuing education credits for licensed professionals.
In its two components, the Program strengthens access to quality mental health services for local residents, and professional development for Pipeline students and a broader online network of professionals serving bicultural, Spanish-speaking clients throughout and beyond northern Sonoma County.
“The Program strengthens access to quality mental health services for local residents, and professional development for Pipeline students and a broader online network of professionals serving bicultural, Spanish-speaking clients.”
Dr. Daniela Domínguez, CEO of On the Margins, explained the need for the Program in a recent conversation with the Healthcare Foundation.
“There are amazing, culturally responsive English-speaking supervisors who do a fantastic job,” she noted. “At the same time, if trainees are receiving clinical supervision in English and working with clients in Spanish, there are some things that just don’t translate. Moreover, there is an advantage to being in a network where other practitioners have similar lived experiences and who can say, ‘This is what I’m seeing in my practice.’ Students will know, by the time they see their first client, that this resource exists. If they have a question related to a clinical case, there will be several psychologists, doulas, American Family Therapists, and professional clinical counselors that they can consult with, and who will understand the stories they’re bringing into the consultation room.”
Mental Health Talent Pipeline student Stephanie Malagon is one of the first trainees to benefit from the initiative. A Cloverdale native who began at Humanidad in August, Stephanie doesn’t remember seeing mental health services while growing up. It wasn’t until she went away to college, where she studied psychology, that the subject of mental health was broached.
“In general, we had little access to mental health resources, especially the Latino community,” she says. “Having Spanish-speaking therapists wasn’t really an option for us. Luckily, things are evolving. Organizations like La Familia Sana and Humanidad are reaching out to Cloverdale and other smaller communities to provide those resources that we definitely need.”
Mental Health Talent Pipeline Graduate Spotlight: Yadira Esparza
Yadira Esparza was an early participant in Healthcare Foundation’s Mental Health Talent Pipeline scholarship program, launched in 2018 to support aspiring bilingual, bicultural mental health professionals and address the critical shortage of therapists serving our region’s Spanish-speaking residents. Yadira earned her master’s in counseling psychology from University of San Francisco in 2021, becoming the first in her family to gain a graduate degree.
Born and raised in the majority-Latino Roseland neighborhood of Santa Rosa, Yadira is today a school-based bilingual, bicultural therapist for Roseland School District. She is also a therapist and counselor at Santa Rosa’s Keystone Therapy and Training Services.
“What I love most about my work is returning to the community I grew up in,” she told us when we caught up with her recently, “and giving back to my people.”
As Roseland School District’s only school-based therapist, Yadira works with middle school and high school students with “higher needs,” those who have experienced extensive trauma, are currently in crisis, or have recently undergone a suicide assessment and require mental health support.
“The goal is to find them ongoing therapy outside of school that is year-long,” she says. “However, due to long wait lists, high fees for therapy, and sometimes unstable home environments, some students remain with me longer.”
Asked about the most pressing needs she encounters, Yadira lists suicide ideation and self-harm before detailing other alarming trends.
“I have also seen an increase in teens self-diagnosing. Teens are seeing on social media, or through their peers, conversations about mental health,” she explains. “They identify with a diagnosis and self-treat, sometimes even taking medication not prescribed to them. I am also seeing an increase in depression, anxiety, social anxiety, and behavioral issues. I am finding that people are having a hard time coping with trauma from the fires, pandemic, or lived experiences such as domestic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse.”
Yadira says the greatest challenge for the population she serves remains “finding enough providers offering mental health support.” Nevertheless she is optimistic that things will further improve if other aspiring clinicians join the pipeline.
“My hope is that there is an increase in enrollment in graduate programs that will train mental health practitioners,” she says, “and that there is an increase in financial support for these individuals.”
While the Healthcare Foundation, its donors and community partners recognize that such financial support plays a crucial role in advancing health equity, we appreciate that none of it would be possible without young professionals like Yadira who strive to give back to their communities.
“Roseland is my home,” she says, “and my hope is that we continue to heal, grow, and learn together.”
Mental Health Talent Pipeline 2018-2023
A Conversation with Tim McDonald and Bob Scott
Tim McDonald and husband Bob Scott moved to Cloverdale in 2011 and currently serve the Cloverdale community as Priest and Deacon, respectively, in the Episcopal Church. They both have a strong commitment to the community and have served on many boards, from the Boys and Girls Club to Alexander Valley Healthcare, among others.
How did you first become aware of the Healthcare Foundation?
The Healthcare Foundation is a vital partner in providing grants to assist in the needs of our community. The Foundation was a good fit for the things important to us, especially in helping those experiencing barriers to obtaining physical and mental healthcare.
What are the aspects of the Healthcare Foundation’s work and mission you find most valuable?
The Healthcare Foundation has evolved over the years to an organization that is focused on more segments of the northern Sonoma County population. We so appreciate the move toward underserved communities. This includes the growth in support for such amazing organizations as Alliance Medical Center, Alexander Valley Healthcare, La Familia Sana, Reach for Home, and others. Addressing the needs for today while working on projected future needs is critically important.
The overall mission, “We connect people and resources to promote wellness in underserved communities,” is essential if our county is to thrive. The idea of “it takes a village” resonates for us. We are all in this together and our gifts of time and money help us to move forward in the care of our fellow human beings.
What do you most appreciate about northern Sonoma County?
The generosity of its people is amazing. As many of us have come to realize the needs of our community, many have stepped up to make equity not just a word, but an action.
What are some of your hopes for the future of the region?
We are pleased to support those endeavors that concentrate on internship programs in mental healthcare. Our hope is that the Healthcare Foundation continues to focus on the healthcare needs of the unsheltered, farmworkers, and other disadvantaged people. We believe that this will go a long way to addressing our current and future needs in northern Sonoma County.
2022 Donor Recognition List
Powered by community support, the Healthcare Foundation pursues a vision of health equity where everyone in northern Sonoma County has the opportunity to enjoy health and wellness. We wish to express our deepest appreciation to all our donors who supported our efforts in 2022.
Healthcare Heroes | • Healthcare Hero Community Partners
* Legacy Donors | Board MembersDayton and Shelley Adams
Stephanie Ahmad
Amista Vineyards•
Ann and Dale Amtower
Dr. David Anderson and
Mrs. Catherine Anderson
Katherine and Robert Angell
Gary and Delores Arabian
Montserrat Archila
and Issa Khoury
Adriana Arrizon
Rollie Atkinson
Suzanne and Guy Badenhoop
Edward and Kyle Baker
Chris and Phyllis Baldenhofer
The Bancroft Foundation
Yvonne Baner
Bank of Marin
Stephen Barber,
Guaranteed Rate•
Annie Marie Barbour
Ellen Barnett, M.D.
Barth Vision & Optical•
Gary Barth
Sonia Barwick
Battle Family Foundation
Joseph Bavaresco
and Richard Kawala
Hallie Beacham, M.D.
and Paul Downey
Carol Beattie
Kim Bender and
Nick Sanders
Shirley Bennett
Christine Berardo and
Robert Markowitz
Peggy and Christer Berglund
Berry Financial &
Insurance Solutions
James and Gina Berry
Big John’s Market•
Marisa Binder and Bill Schott
Sherri Boettcher
Bon Ton Studio
Jennifer Bossin
and Brian Bleuher
Harry and Karen Bosworth
Darnell Bowen
and Alma Bowen
Brandt Insurance
Breathless Sparkling Wines
Heartie Ann Brewer
Jenness Brewer
Briar Foundation
Cee Scott Brown
and John Bjornen
Lila Brown and Jeff Nagy
Timothy and Margaret Brown
Richard Burg and Linda Kingsbury
Richard and Mary Burke
Diane and David Burnley
Isabel Byron
Cynthia Calmenson
Paula Campbell
Samantha Campbell
Sue Campbell
and John McKinney
Daisy Cardenas
Natasha and Nicholas Castelli
Center for Well-Being
Linda and Carlos Chavez
Law Office of Rachelle Chong
Theresa Christiansen
Tiffani Clarke
Dr. Tom Cleland and
Mrs. Emmy Cleland
Juliet Clothier
Tim and Linda Clougherty
Courtney Cochran and Ronald Du Preez
Dena and Richard Cochran
Bob and Sandy Comstock
Thomas Cordell
and David Kelley
Yudith and Andres Correa
Costeaux French Bakery
Paul Cowden and
Charles Levine
Sharon and Michael Cowley
Tricia Coxhead
and Jerry Anderson
John and Mary Crockenberg
Marta Cruz-Concepcion
Jim and Merrilee Dadaos
Geoff and Nancy Dalwin
Anna Darden
Alegría De La Cruz
Edgar and Judy Deas
Steve Deas and
Jane Rosenberg
Melinda Dexter
Bridget Doherty
Dra. Daniela Dominguez
Ted and Betty Dondanville
Benjamin Durie
Herb and Jane Dwight
J. Terry Eager
and Susan Eager
Dobie Edmunds
Judy Edmonds and E.J. Neil
Ann Elston and Larry Lossing
Encore Events Rentals
Becky Ennis
Enso Village
Barbara Epstein
Daniel and Sonja Erickson
Angie and Israel Escudero
Esquivel Insurance Agency
Lynn Esselstein
and Jon Joseph
William and Linda Esselstein
Carroll Estes
Melinda Evans
Todd and Leslie Everett
Exchange Bank
Steven Fabian
Renay and Michael Fanelli
Vicky and Michael Farrow
Linda Farwell and
Cameron Frey
Luna Federici and
Elizabeth Fagan
Ron Ferrato
and Olimpo Cerda
Amber Figueroa
Soledad Figueroa
Mary Fitzgerald
and Carl MilfeitMarcy Flores
Margaret Flores-McCabe
Bruce Foerster
Olivia Foppiano
Bob and Marcia Fosberg
Stefanie and Bart Foster
Monica Foyer
The Frame Up
Kerry Francis and
John Jimerson
Judith Gain
Bob Gain* and Tim Wingard
Dr. Lisa Gallagher Dayton
and Mr. John Dayton
E. & J. Gallo Winery•
Garden Society
Karen Gardner
Kevin Garvin, D.D.S.
Tammy J. Gass
Marie Gewirtz
Bruce Golden and
Michelle Mercer
Supervisor James Gore
and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gore
Erin and Tom Gore
Barbara Grasseschi
and Tony Crabb*
Geri Hadley
Hafner Vineyard
Elizabeth Hafner
Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn
Dick and Mary Hafner
Sarah and Parke Hafner
Josh and Lindsay Hall
Michael Hall
and Rafael Campos
Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay*
Mark and Elizabeth Hanson
Adell Hanson-Kahn
Joe and Joline Harrington
Stu Harrison and David Ring
City of Healdsburg
Healdsburg Running Company
Kathryn and Ryan Hecht
Georgia and Ric Helthall
Matthew Henry
Tom and Carol Henry
Herman J. Hernandez
and Guillermina Hernandez
Mariah Hernandez
Megan Hernandez
Ann and Don Hill
Kimberly Hoeksema
Susan Hogeland
Toni and Robert Hopkins
Hotel Healdsburg•
Edson and Ann Howard
Susan Hubbard
Amy Hunsberger and
Christopher Hunsberger
Holly Hunt
Richard Iverson
Anne Jenkins
John Jordan Foundation
Mary and David Johnson
Lynda and Louis Jordan
Rosemary Jordan
Marc Kahn and Jeanie Kahn
Don Kaminski
Lauren and Garnet Kanouse
KBBF Radio
Ariel and Tim Kelley
Terry Kemp
CJ Kerls, Guaranteed Rate
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile
and Mr. Tom Chechile*
Laird Norton Enterprises
Jean Lalla and Mark Stiger
Barbara Lannin
Terry and Tim Leach
Councilmember Esther Lemus
Susan Lentz
Joel Lewis
Kim and John Lloyd•*
Leonardo Lobato
Liz Loebel
Daniel Lopez and
Alain Gervais
Francisco Lopez and
Shauna Lopez
Malinalli Lopez
Sandra Lydy
Debi and Michael Lynch
Dan and Lee Magnuson
Ingrid Maltrud
Amy and Brian Mandrier
Sophia Grace Mandrier
Joyce Mann
Marquis Farwell Homes
Denny Martin and
Roy Reynolds
Steven Martin
Stephanie Martinez
Debbie Mason
Ashley and Cameron Mauritson
Peter McAweeney
and Tod Hill*
Marty McGraw and Jim Heid
Senator Mike McGuire
and Mrs. Erika McGuire
Lynn McIntyre
Lannie Medina
and Alan Smithwick
Molly Meeker
Bill and Lisa Meisner*
Memorial Beach
Veterinary Hospital
Bruce Mentzer and
Anthony Solar
Donna Merideth
and Eddie Merideth*
Christopher Meza
Marilyn Michelon
Evette Minor
Evelyn Mitchell
and Tom O’Hair
Mary Jane Mittelstadt
Reid Moorsmith
Barbara Morgan Zaney
and Kevin Zaney
Douglas and Julianne Muhleman
Katie and Denny Murphy*
Helen Myers
Bill and Betsy Nachbaur
Jim and Chris Nantell
Violet NelsonScott and Mary Newman
Sally and Robert Nicholson
Anne and Walter Niederberger
David and Lois Nitchman
North Sonoma County Healthcare District
Jerry and Alison Ogden
Oliver & Company, Inc.
Claire O’Neill
Gloria Opperman
Elaine Orr
Bruce and Mary Ott
Partnership HealthPlan
of California
Ron and Jane Pavelka
Musetta Perezarce
PFM Law•
Douglas Pile and Janice Pile
Sarah Poletto
Dr. Robert Pousman and
Mrs. Laura Pousman
Lucinda Powers
Rack & Riddle Custom
Wine Services
Traci Ramsey
Redwood Community
Health Coalition
Danielle Restieaux Murphy
and Matthew Murphy
Christophe Richard
Susan Rink
Robert F. Ford Charitable Foundation
Karla Rosen
Katie Rosson and
Gibson Scheid
Anne and Chris Rousseau
Mary Pat and Mike Rowan
Kathi Safford
and Rick Safford
Santa Rosa
Community Health
Robert and Donna Sauers
Rita Scardaci
David and Betty Scatena
Ralph and Janice Sceales
Malloy Schaffner
Eric Schwartz
Tim McDonald
and Bob Scott
Hanna and Richard Scramaglia
Richard and Joyce Scramaglia
Anneke Seley
and Jack Oswald
Ruth Self
Brandy and Will Seppi
Karl and Nancy Seppi
Dr. Martha Shafer
Wylie and Judy Sheldon
Circe Sher and
Mateo Granados
Silveira Buick GMC
Jim and Karen Silveira
Bill and Danielle Smart
Steve and Wendy Smit
Maria Smith
Mary Ellen Smith
Sonoma County
Family YMCA
Sonoma County
Office of Education
Sonoma Valley
Community Health Center
SOS Community Counseling
Nathan Sprehe
Andy and Ann Stacklin
Herb and Wendy Steiner
Summit State Bank•
Steven Takemoto
Tricia Tanoury
Wanda Tapia-Thomsen
and Richard Thomsen
Karen Tappin and Family
Kathy Taylor
Kirsten and Steve Tellez
Erik Terreri and Robert Driggs
Sue and Mark Tharrington
Mark Thayer and
Jean Herschede
Congressman Mike
Thompson and
Janet Thompson
Dr. John Tomasin and
Mrs. Julie Tomasin
Dell and Laura Tredinnick
Dr. C. Roger Turk and
Mrs. Stephanie Turk
Dr. Steven Ungerleider
and Ms. Joanna Rice
Michael Valdovinos, PsyD, ABPP and Mrs. Alison
Valla Family Foundation
Gene and Suzanne Valla
Marian and Peter Van Alyea
Dr. R. Steven Vargas and
Mrs. Susan Vargas
Kathy Vayder and
Gregory Berg
Janet and Michael Verlander
The Villano Family
Deb Viola and Jake Jacobsen
Judy Voigt
C.A. Wall Family Foundation
Karen Wallace
and John Faulkner
Karin Warnelius-Miller and Justin Miller
Warren and Janis Watkins
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Weaver
Trip Weil and Joe Ferrucci
Dr. Jed Weissberg and
Dr. Shelley Roth
Harry and Rebecca Wetzel
Jade Weymouth
Geoffrey Whitehouse
and Barbara Winston
Brian Williams
Tom Willis and Julie Henderson
Tegan Wilson
Sam and Shelley Witten
Andrea Wolcott
Art and Janet Wong
Assemblymember Jim Wood
Annie and Montgomery Woods
Kay Harrigan Woods
Wright Contracting
Suzi and Jerry Wunderlich
Michelle Zygielbaum
“We believe healthcare is a basic right, and support the efforts of the Healthcare Foundation to provide access to all by focusing on our underserved communities.”
— Mona Hanes and Kevin Gay
Legacy Circle
A bequest to the Healthcare Foundation is a powerful way of ensuring the advance to health equity continues to the benefit of residents of northern Sonoma County. If you have the means, please consider a transformational legacy gift that will contribute to maximizing health and wellness for all northern Sonoma County communities. If you have already designated a gift or are considering the Healthcare Foundation in your estate planning, please contact Mary Ott, Development Director, at (707) 395-4928 or mott@healthcarefoundation.net.
Bob Gain
Barbara Grasseschi and Tony Crabb
Dr. Laura Kimbro Chechile and Tom Chechile
Kim and John Lloyd
Peter McAweeney and Tod Hill
Lisa and Bill Meisner
Donna and Eddie Merideth
Ross Stromberg
Katie Wetzel Murphy and Denny Murphy
Healthcare Hero Community Partners
Introducing one of our newest Healthcare Hero Community Partners, Cargograph Wines
“The Healthcare Foundation keeps the focus here in north county and with the people who have the ability to actually bring information to the community and make significant changes to further community health. That is really important for us.”
— Serena Lourie and Alan Baker
Cartograph Wines
Thank you to our 2022 Healthcare Hero Community Partners:
2022 Financial Summary
To download a copy of our 2022 Financial Review, click here