Local Perspectives on Improving Health and Wellbeing for Farmworker Families in Northern Sonoma County: Corazón Healdsburg’s Promotora staff
2 min read. Corazón Healdsburg's staff of Promotoras / Community Health Workers share their view from the frontlines of the farmworker health crisis.
The following are a selection of written responses (with English translations) by Promotoras / Community Health Workers at Corazón Healdsburg.
¿Cómo describiría la situación general con respecto a la salud y el bienestar de las familias de trabajadores agrícolas en el norte del condado de Sonoma?
[How would you describe the general situation with respect to health and wellbeing for farmworker families in northern Sonoma County?]
“En lo personal cico que se ha tenido un avance, a lo mejor no el que se requiere, pero aun nos falta mucho por hacer.”
[Personally, I say that progress has been made, perhaps not what is required, but we still have a lot to do.] [Paola Rincón]
“La situación es peligrosa ya que se enfrentan con muchos peligros y desastres y en ocasiones no cuentan con alguna aseguranza.”
[The situation is dangerous since they face many dangers and disasters and sometimes they do not have any insurance.] [Gloria Nieto]
“Muy malo. Creo que ellos no cuentan con el apoyo que debieron de recibir. Mi esposo trabaja en el campo y la verdad no recibimos ayuda y todo es muy caro medicamentos y visitas a los doctores.”
[Very bad. I think they don’t have the support they should have received. My husband works in the fields and the truth is that we don’t receive help and everything is very expensive, medicines and visits to the doctors.] [Dora Ortega]
“No son muy buenos sus servicios de salud. Porque algunos no tienen aseguranza de salud y otros solo tienen una aseguranza que no cubre todos servicios de salud. y algunas personas tienen que pagar un copay muy elevado.”
[Their health services are not very good. Because some do not have health insurance and others only have insurance that does not cover all health services, and some people have to pay a very high copay.]
[Angela Guzmán]
“Creo que la situación está muy mal porque no tienen la misma oportunidades por falta de papeles y lugares donde los pueden apoyar.”
[I think the situation is very bad because they don’t have the same opportunities due to lack of papers and places where they can be supported.] [Gina Sotto]
“Yo pienso que necesitamos más talleres sobre la salud y mental.”
[I think we need more workshops on health and mental health.] [Sandra Nava]
¿Cuáles son los mayores desafíos o obstáculos para acceder a la atención médica para los trabajadores agrícolas?
[What are the biggest challenges or obstacles to accessing healthcare for farmworkers?]
“Uno de los mayores desafíos que hemos tenido posiblemente sea en cuanto a la situación migratoria y el idioma, en lo personal también creo que no hay suficientes doctores bilingües.”
[One of the biggest challenges we have had is possibly related to the immigration situation and the language. Personally, I also believe that there are not enough bilingual doctors.] [Paola Rincón]
“Más apoyo por parte de los patrones para que puedan tener la aseguranza medica gratis o a precio reducido.”
[More support from employers so that they can have free or reduced-price health insurance.] [Gloria Nieto]
“Antes que nada el seguro bueno que no cuentan con permisos para estar en este país y para ellos no hay nada de ayudar.”
[First of all, good insurance that they do not have permits to be in this country and for them there is nothing to help.] [Dora Ortega]
“Las aseguranzas que ofrecen en algunos trabajos es muy cara y si agregan a los hijos en esa aseguranza les toca pagar mas y por esta razón algunas personas prefieren no tener aseguranza.”
[The insurance that they offer in some jobs is very expensive and if they add their children to that insurance they have to pay more and for this reason some people prefer not to have insurance.] [Angela Guzmán]
“Creo que el mayor obstáculo para acceder a la atención médica es el económico y falta de educación y apoyo.”
[I believe that the biggest obstacle to accessing medical attention is economic and lack of education and support.] [Gina Sotto]
“Yo pienso que los mayores desafíos son que los trabajadores tienen miedo a ir con el doctor, no tienen transportación y el idioma puede ser un obstáculo. También, el costo es muy alto.”
[I think the biggest challenges are that the workers are afraid to go to the doctor, they don’t have transportation, and the language can be an obstacle. Also, the cost is very high.] [Sandra Nava]
¿Cuáles son, en su opinión, las soluciones y/o algunos pasos prácticos para mejorar el acceso y mejorar las oportunidades de salud y bienestar para los trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias?
[What, in your opinion, are the solutions and/or some practical steps in the direction of bettering access and improving opportunities for health and wellbeing for farmworkers and their families?]
“Tal vez sea teniendo más personal bilingüe, pero eso significa que también el personal tiene que mostrarse amable. Y tal vez las agencias médicas capaciten a sus trabajadores sobre el cómo tienen que tratar a los pacientes.”
[Maybe it’s having more bilingual staff, but that means the staff has to be friendly as well. And maybe medical agencies will train their workers on how they treat patients.] [Paola Rincón]
“Más información, y talleres que puedan ayudar con apoyo.”
[More information, and workshops that can help with support.] [Gloria Nieto]
“Que no les pidieron los seguros buenos que ellos también deberían de contar con alluda, por que son los primeros en dar la cara en situaciones difíciles como los incendios, las lluvias, la calor, ellos siempre están ahí.”
[That they were not asked for good insurance that they should also have help, because they are the first to face difficult situations such as fires, rain, heat, they are always there.] [Dora Ortega]
“Que los precios fueran más accesibles, para los trabajadores del campo, ya que ellos trabajan demasiado. una buena solución sería que todos los trabajadores agrícolas tengan Medi-Cal.”
[So that the prices were more accessible, for the field workers, since they work too much, a good solution would be for all farmworkers to have Medi-Cal.] [Angela Guzmán]
“I think they don’t have the support they should have received. My husband works in the fields and the truth is that we don’t receive help and everything is very expensive, medicines and visits to the doctors.”
Dora Ortega, Community Health Worker at Corazón Healdsburg
“Una de las soluciones es informarles de las oportunidades que hay y ofrecer los servicios gratis o bajo costo para los que no califican por Medi-Cal.”
[One of the solutions is to inform them of the opportunities that exist and offer free or low-cost services for those who do not qualify for Medi-Cal.] [Gina Sotto]
“Las soluciones pueden ser invitarlos a clases de salud, o ir a los viñedos y presentarles información.”
[The solutions may be to invite them to health classes, or go to the vineyards and present them with information.] [Sandra Nava]
¿Hay algo que crea que la comunidad en general (incluidas las organizaciones sin fines de lucro o los financiadores) del norte del condado de Sonoma debería saber que podría ayudar a moverlas cosas en la dirección correcta?
[Is there anything you think the wider community (including nonprofits) of northern Sonoma County should know that might help to move things in the right direction?]
“Hacer talleres para promover y hacer conciencia de que se tienen que hacer cambios inmediatamente en todas los sentidos.”
[Hold workshops to promote and raise awareness that changes must be made immediately in all senses.] [Paola Rincón]
“Enfocarse en la comunidad para saber las necesidades de los trabajadores y de esa forma trabajar para mejorar.”
[Focus on the community to know the needs of the workers and thus work to improve.] [Gloria Nieto]
“A mi me gustaría que hubiera más ayuda para las personas que trabajan en el campo, como en la salud y también en la vivienda todo es muy caro para lo que ellos ganan yo se los digo por experiencia porque mi esposo trabaja en el campo y yo vivo todas estas situaciones.”
[I would like there to be more help for people who work in the fields, such as in health and also in food, everything is very expensive for what they earn. I tell you from experience because my husband works in the fields and I live all these situations.] [Dora Ortega]
“Apoyar más a los trabajadores agricolas para poder ayudarlos con sus necesidades de salud.”
[Support farmworkers more in order to help them with their health needs.] [Angela Guzmán]
“Pueden ofrecer más información al público y oportunidad de que tengan servicios gratis o de bajo costo.”
[They can offer more information to the public and opportunity for them to have free or low-cost services.] [Gina Sotto]
“Yo creo que tener la comunicación con los mayordomos puede ayudar el proceso.”
[I believe that having communication with the supervisors can help the process.] [Sandra Nava]
The Healthcare Foundation’s mission is motivated by a vision of eliminating health inequities in northern Sonoma County. In recent months and years, Sonoma County farmworkers and their families have faced increased precarity and the repeated disruption of their lives as a result of forces beyond their control, from the pandemic to the impacts of climate change, with the attendant physical and mental health impacts and challenges this entails. The goal of health equity requires that we address the obstacles and challenges to their health and wellbeing. As part of the Healthcare Foundation’s effort to focus on farmworker health, we are turning to our community partners and other local stakeholders to better understand the need, the obstacles, and most importantly, the practical steps that can be taken to improve health and wellbeing for our region’s agricultural workers. We continue to collect information, engage in dialogue, and work cooperatively toward community-based solutions that can protect and enhance the wellbeing of farmworkers and their families.
Other Perspectives:
- Dr. Daniela Domínguez, Assistant Professor at USF and CEO of On The Margins (2 min read)
- Jocelyn Boreta, Executive Director and Co-Founder of The Botanical Bus (2 min read)
- Sue Labbe, Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Medical Center (2 min read)
- Jade Weymouth, Executive Director of La Familia Sana (2 min read)
- Bertha Diaz, Community Health Worker / Promotora and Financial Services Specialist at Alexander Valley Healthcare (1 min read)
- Alma Bowen, Founder and Executive Director of Nuestra Comunidad (1 min read)
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